Ricky Dry Cleaners

Ricky Dry Cleaners




Dry Cleaners

01. The Challenge

Ricky’s Dry Cleaners was struggling with low online visibility and an outdated website that didn’t effectively communicate the full scope of their services or facilitate easy user interaction.

02. The Solution

Techweer revamped Ricky’s Dry Cleaners’ website with a focus on a clean, modern design that reflects the brand’s commitment to quality and service. We implemented advanced SEO strategies to improve their search engine ranking, making them more visible to potential customers searching for local dry cleaning services.

03. The Results

The website redesign and SEO enhancements led to an increase in web traffic and more customer inquiries. Ricky’s Dry Cleaners noticed an uptick in online bookings and an improved customer retention rate, contributing to overall business growth.


Jessica Brown


SEOWeb design


20 may, 2021

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