TSKR | A Freelance Marketplace

TSKR | A Freelance Marketplace




Freelance Marketplace

01. The Challenge

Navigating Freelance Marketplace Frustrations | The client approached us with the need for a transparent and user-friendly platform to connect freelancers and clients. Existing freelance marketplaces were often criticized for their complex interfaces, high fees, lack of support, and inefficient project management tools, leading to frustration among both freelancers and clients. The client wanted a solution that would streamline the hiring process, facilitate effective communication, and ensure seamless project management while maintaining fairness and integrity.

02. The Solution

Building TSKR | A Platform of Integrity and Simplicity 

We developed TSKR, a comprehensive freelancer marketplace designed to address these challenges by leveraging cutting-edge technologies. The platform was built using Next.js, Twilio, Mongoose, and Sockets, ensuring a robust, scalable, and responsive application.

  • Transparent Fee Structure | Removing the guesswork with a straightforward flat 5% fee for every completed project, TSKR ensures no hidden costs or unexpected financial surprises for both clients and freelancers.
  • Human-Centric Support  | Unlike automated systems that can feel impersonal, TSKR offers dedicated human support at every step of your project, ensuring timely intervention and resolutions to any challenges.
  • Level Playing Field | Eliminating power imbalances and unfair advantages, TSKR does not have convoluted bidding systems or pay-to-win perks. Success on TSKR is based purely on skill and merit.
  • Protection for Freelancers | TSKR holds a strong commitment to ensuring that users are not taken advantage of. Freelancers can work without fear of scope changes, unjust reviews, and reputation damage.

Client Dashboard

Clients benefit from a dedicated dashboard where they can effortlessly create, manage, and oversee their job postings. This intuitive interface enables clients to track the progress of their projects and maintain effective communication with freelancers.

Freelancer Dashboard

Freelancers are provided with a tailored dashboard where they can efficiently manage their ongoing projects and view/manage contracts. This feature empowers freelancers to keep track of their workload and deadlines, ensuring a smooth workflow.

03. The Results

Anticipating a New Era in Freelance Platforms | As TSKR prepares for its upcoming launch, we anticipate that it will address the client’s needs by creating a seamless and transparent platform for freelancers and clients. The intuitive dashboards and efficient job management tools are expected to significantly improve user experience, leading to higher satisfaction rates among both freelancers and clients. The platform’s user-friendly design and effective communication features aim to foster a more collaborative and productive environment, ultimately transforming the client’s business.

  • Increased User Engagement: The streamlined interface and efficient management tools are expected to lead to a substantial increase in user engagement.
  • Enhanced Project Management: Clients and freelancers are expected to experience significant improvements in managing and tracking projects.
  • Higher Satisfaction Rates: We anticipate higher satisfaction rates due to the platform’s transparency and ease of use.

Jessica Brown



20 may, 2021

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